The KonMari Method

The highly acclaimed KonMari Method®, developed by Marie Kondo, is widely regarded as a new approach to decluttering based on Japanese values to surround yourself with items that spark joy.

The process which involves assessing how you feel about the things you own, identifying those that have fulfilled their purpose, expressing your gratitude, and bidding them farewell, is really about examining your inner self, a rite of passage to a new life.

The tidying is done by category – not by location – beginning with clothes, then moving on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items) and finally sentimental items. During the assessment of your belongings, you are honing your sensitivity to joy and finding out what you truly value in life.

People around the world have been drawn to this philosophy not only due to its effectiveness, but also because it places great importance on being mindful, introspective and forward-looking.